Kweku Bedu-Addo weighs in on the impact of Covid19 on Standard Chartered Bank

Kweku Bedu-Addo weighs in on the impact of Covid19 on Standard Chartered Bank

Kweku Betu-Addo, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank chats to Bronwyn Nielsen on The Nielsen Network about the impact of Covid19 and what measures they’re taking to try and combat the financial impact of the virus.

Watch all episodes related to COVID-19.

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About J. Kweku Betu-Addo

A Banker and a Media enthusiast. Has launched a podcast series, “It’s Morning in Africa “. Commenced banking career in 2000 after a career in public policy in the 1990s. Assumed CEO role since 2010 with oversight for 9 Standard Chartered markets in West and Southern Africa so far including a Basel Committee jurisdiction.

Previously a Wholesale Bank Head in 6 markets and managed a global technology project in Singapore from 2007 to 2009. Past affiliations include Chairman of Ghana Stock Exchange, Vice Chairman of Ghana Fixed Income Market, Global/ Africa Investment Committee, Acumen Fund, Ghana Employers Association Executive Committee and Vice President, Ghana Bankers Association. Member of Standard Chartered’s Regional Management Team for Africa & Middle East and Global Leadership Team.

Currently also Chairman of International Banking Association in South Africa and Board Member of Banking Association South Africa (BASA). Is an astronomy enthusiast.

Source: LinkedIn