South Africa in Crisis – Renowned Economist Mike Schussler is in the C-SUITE

South Africa in Crisis

Renowned Economist Mike Schussler is in the C-SUITE

We are at an inflection point in South Africa if the rioting and looting continues the long term economic consequences for the country are disastrous. Already growth is severely constrained and investor confidence has been extremely hard hit. We are in deep trouble.

In this episode of the C-SUITE, we speak to renowned economist Mike Schussler.

Watch all episodes of the C-SUITE.

About Mike Schussler

Winning the economist of the year award twice is the highlight of my career. As founder and owner of Economistscoza, a consultancy that provides unique services is another highlight.

Moreover, Economistscoza won the small business of the year from the Greater Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce in 2010.

Economistscoza developed the BankservAfrica Economic Transaction Index (BETI). Economistscoza maintains the BankservAfrica Take-home Pay Index as well as the only private pension index in SA. We believe our pension income index is the only one of its type in the world.

We develop business tools that help maintain sustainable prices and manage contracts. We also help business leaders become knowledge leaders.

We have business barometers, logistics and regional indicators that can help your business achieve a leadership position in any crowded market. We provide the tools to make you a knowledge leader in your chosen marketplace and beyond. We have tools and indices that can give you the insights that will help you stand out.

We provide transporters with costing advice, forecasts and other services.

We have also successfully lobbied on behalf of industries and firms.

Source: LinkedIn