Redefining Leadership in the New Normal

Watch all episodes of “Redefining Leadership in the New Normal”, brought to you by The Nielsen Network.

Redefining leadership in the New Normal – Stephen van Coller CEO EOH Group

Redefining leadership in the New Normal - Stephen van Coller CEO EOH Group If Stephen Van Coller was given Carte Blanche to design a new model to establish the relationship between companies and employees given what we have learnt during Covid, he would start with the following "Work as if its your company. There shouldn't be leave policies. Just deliver." @EOH Group Watch all videos in our series "Redefining Leadership in the New Normal" here.

Redefining Leadership in The New Normal Nyimpini Mabunda – CEO General Electric Southern Africa

Redefining Leadership in The New Normal Nyimpini Mabunda - CEO General Electric Southern Africa One of the largest experiments of our time is underway. Human Resource Departments are urgently looking to establish best practice when it comes to New Ways of Work in our blended physical virtual reality. Employees are voting with their feet and returning to the office on a full time basis is not widely desirable. Leaders need to understand what it means to truly adopt outcome based peformance. Nyimpini...

Yolanda Cuba Vice President Southern & East Africa, MTN Group

Yolanda Cuba Vice President Southern & East Africa, MTN Group Leading teams and organisations today versus our pre Covid 19 reality requires a completely different skill set. Emphasis needs to be placed on outcomes achieved and trust rather than hours worked and constant monitoring. One thing is for sure we are jointly writing a new standard operating procedure (SOP) as we go. Executives that are effectively navigating today's reality will help shape the future work environment. We have already learnt so much...

Courageous Leadership – Rebuilding South Africa together

Courageous Leadership - Rebuilding South Africa together We are driving a conversation on courageous leadership on a monthly basis as we pull from public and private sector leaders to agree the roadmap on rebuilding South Africa. This as we transition from a legacy of State Capture and Corruption to one where we proudly stand shoulder to shoulder and define the South Africa legacy that we want our children to inherit. In this episode Lee Naik the CEO of TransUnion, Janine Hills...